One of the perks and joys of teaching year-round is we get days off when other schools are in session. This Friday was one of those days. The cutie above is my nephew who just started Kindergarten! I met him for lunch and he was beyond excited. He definitely forgot I was coming so he had school lunch and some McDonald's too! When I walked up behind him at the table he said "YESSSS!" and escorted me over to the "guest table." MELT.MY.HEART!
When I am on intersession in October I will be joying him often!
My sister is in her last year of college. Her first year of college was my first year teaching. She help me set up my room and volunteered like crazy! She loves her cooperating teacher and that makes me sooooo happy! She knows kindergarten so well because when she is home I beg her to come into my room everyday!
She texted me on Thursday with a list of units she was going to teach for Fall. I have them all but they needed to be cute-sified!!! So I redid apples and I am slowly making my way through her list! I guess I owe her for her volunteering days!!
Enough said. Pete The Cat is a hit. EVERY.SINGLE.CHILD loves Pete! We are doing Pete for two weeks. Then the books will stay on my easel for the whole year and we will read them when we need a quick pick us up!
K teachers- Please remember my kids have been in school for 6 weeks now!
One of my K babies wrote this sentence in their August journal. When I see this, I know that having monthly journals and progress journals is totally worth it! The beginning of August was just a small picture and a letter or two. Then the last day I get this!!!
Think happy thoughts for my fiance and I! I will hopefully have good news at the beginning of October!! I really would tell you but I am worried I will jinx it!

Hi Carrie, enjoyed working on the math with you this summer. Linda Diekman