Today I am back to share some pictures of my classroom. I must admit I was kicking myself today after school for not taking these pictures weeks ago! There is just something about clean desks and new crayons that screams "TAKE MY PICTURE." So please excuse my messy desks, unsharpened pencils and dull crayons!
This is the picture of my teacher desk. I put my filing cabinet next to my desk and covered it with wrapping paper from the Target dollar spot! On the front of the filing cabinet I used chevron print paper to put the kid's Accelerated Reader numbers. On the wall behind my desk I have my birthday chart. The students pictures will be hung above their month on matching paper!
This is the first bulletin board you see when you walk into my classroom. The students pictures will go on this board.
My Word Wall is on the back wall above my computers. You can also see a sneak peak of my Math Station Tubs in the left corner.
I have 6 math stations that the students visit. There is a label on the bucket and on the shelf where the bucket goes. On the top of the shelf you can see the progress journals my students use throughout the year.
To motivate my students to do their best work at centers and stations I made a "Super Center Word' board. If a student gets to hang on the "sparkly clips" we all applaud them as they hang up their work!
This is my small group reading area. This is where I am for the majority of the day. I pull groups during reading and math and we usually hang out back here or at the carpet. I have labeled buckets on the top of the shelf for each of my groups. On wall I have my common core standards board. I made these board to hang Deanna's Common Core "I can" statements (if you do not have these-- you need them!)
These are my students iii, math, and literacy center rotations!
I am fortunate enough to have a easel (with lines!) a white board, and a Promethean board! We made the scientist during the first week of school!
Thanks for stopping by!!

It all looks very organized and inviting! I'm sure the kiddos are very excited to show off their work on those boards. :)