January 3, 2013

New Years New Goals

Long time no talk, no really... whoops! This year will be different I will try keep you updated on my classroom/TPT fun and when I join a linky party I will actually finish out the week!

We have done so many things this year and I have a TON of pictures saved but I have never actually hit the "publish" button in time. This year I will make sure to get motivated. Plus I am starting to feel guilty when I have to keep whispering "nooooo" to the "have you blogged about it yet?" question.

I am not back to school with kids until Monday but I have spent some time over break getting ready for the fun that will ensue when we return. Think snowmen, penguin, MLK and the 100th day of school! I hope you will stick around and check back for the fun!

Until then I have a "100 days smarter crown"  FREEBIE to share with you. Just click the picture and it will bring you to my TPT store to grab a copy! If I told you how long it took me to figure out how to link a picture to a website you would feel embarrassed for me-- but hey thats what YouTube videos are for...??

Click the link to find my snowman unit on TPT!

And here to find my penguins unit!

Come back soon!!



  1. cute cute cute! I just found your blog through the TpT forum. I feature new bloggers every Tuesday on my blog. If you are interested, email me at dml8609@gmail.com
    :) Dana
    Fun in 1st Grade

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! Thanks so much I would love to be featured! I will send you an email tonight!!

  3. I have a hard time remembering to blog about things too! I think our plates are just too full at times. I have no idea how people with little kids do it all!

    If it makes you feel better, it took me a long time to figure out how to provide a link in a picture! =)

    Thank you for the cute 100 Days crown. You other units looks adorable. =)

    I am so happy to have found your adorable blog. =)

    Heather's Heart

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. OMG I probably spent the same amount of time trying to figure out how to put a pinterest button on my blog posts only to figure out that you don't need one! :P

    Your blog is adorable! :)

    Mrs. Jones’s Kindergarten

    1. Thanks! I need to figure out how to link my TPT store.. maybe there is another youtube video for that? haha!

      Your blog is great too-- I love your sight word books
